There's been a lot of chatter in recent months around the Pretty Faces movie.....and so it should be. Looking at it from behind the scenes: kick starter campaign, sponsors, budgets, coordinating around the weather, late night Skyping......the girls bashed through the road blocks, executed, and the end product was fabulous. Prost!
We attended the film in our home town of Bellingham and managed to squeeze a seat amongst the skittles festival of Patagonia puffy jackets. Let me tell you, witnessing repetitive line crushing requires a comfortable chair; especially when a freight train of thought rails through your mind 'These gals are crushing it, and I respect that, but I have seen ladies shred hard like this before, but it just wasn't skiing....."
What sparked this thought while watching an obviously bad ass film? The 'Pretty Faces' movie makes definitive references and reflections on the drivers which empowered them to excel as athletes. Much of this empowerment being the byproduct of seeing other females athletes push the limit over the years in various mediums like movies, magazines, and even personal chair lift time.
Speaking of the past, let's take a step back in snowboard film memory lane. For reference, we'll mark the time period with the release of 'That's it That's All.' The Travis Rice feature video project with Curt Morgan in 2008, need a refresher or not with us yet? Well a bunch of guys got together and basically raised the bar in snowboarding cinematic standards, shot fire works at one another, and built these massive kickers to reach tree tops. I would be lying if I did not disclose I still watch it once a year........the madness is simply brilliant.
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So it's 2008, Travis and his friends are jet setting across the planet having a grand ol' time,......because there wasn't ANY 'Pretty Faces,' back then it was only Redbull and helicopters; That's It...... That's All.'
Same year, just cut through all the hype (not that is wasn't warranted) and you'll find a different crew composed of some RAD women with snowboards, snowmobiles, and original gangster motivation. These girls got together and delivered a very impressive project, throwing huge tricks, nailing some major lines and actually all continue to throw it even harder today.......together.
The movie project was called 'See What I See' and produced by Runway Films. We have not been able to locate much information on this movie but get your hands on it if you can. The riding is primarily supported with back country sled access for terrain, there's also some dry Japan POW, a spring slush resort session, and a little mix of street; but it's all fantastic riding. If I can attain the riding ability these ladies had in 2008, then I can finally chalk up a 'Win' for snowboarding and make the transition on to sailing.
Youtube Teaser:
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Runway Films 'La La Land' :
The 'Pretty Faces' movie speaks to the bonding relationships created within the industry, personal or professional. We recognize the strength of that message and could not think of a better example which exemplifies it than 'See What I See.' With continued efforts to highlight the development of women's athletics, we hope this newly rattled energy provides awareness to past projects and further inspires what can be accomplished through dedication.
Riders: Natasza Zurek, Anne Flore Marxer, Desiree Melancon, Erin Comstock, Cheryl Maas, Gretchen Bleiler, Kimmy Fasani, Raewyn R, Meghann O’Brien, Leanne Pelosi, Kjersti Buaas, Robin Van Gynn, Jamie Anderson, Izumi Amaike, Janna Meyen, Jacqui Berg, Marie France Roy, Victoria Jealouse, Coleen Quigley, Chanelle Sladics, Hana Beaman, and friends.